Lindiwe Modise

Lindiwe Modise is a mother of three. A scorpion but her humbleness surpasses the sting of a scorpion. She loves hanging around people that think positively. She joined Motsweding FM in 1990 as a drama artist and later presented SABC Educational Programs. She presented different Programs between then and now e.g. 09h00- 12h00, 03h00-06h00, 12h00- 03h00, Di a opela (choral music) among others.

She is currently presenting the 20h00-00h00 slot. It includes SABC Educational Programs & Commerce & Finance and Science & Technology) which she finds very educative and interesting. She enjoys reading and doing research about her show topics and guests.

R&B and Gospel music are her favorite genres. Program directing is something that she does most outside radio. She is a passionate public speaker, and an activist for issues about women and children.

She established a platform called Selo Sa Basadi, in 2006 and where meet to talk about Women issues, be it Social, Legal, Health etc. with women across the board. She recently registered a Lindiwe Modise Foundation where she deals with issues concerning Youth and Boys especially.

Birthday: 11 November 1959

Place of Birth: Johannesburg

Your Secret Passion: It remains a secret

Worst day of the week: Friday

If you could invite any three people, dead or alive, for dinner, who would they be and why? My dad, My Mom and my brother. They would know how to bring the best in me.  I would want to know how they managed to keep their heads high even when times were tough.

The thing you’re most proud of: Knowing I have done my best, even in difficult situations, to educate my children and teaching them that in life, there will always be a better person than them.

Your likes: Humbleness and not taking emotional decisions

Dislikes: Cold weather.  I also hate arrogance

Favorite musician or band: Sinach

What advice would you give to people who would like to work in this particular field?

Read, Research, Ask questions and gather knowledge in /about anything

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